Friday 1 February 2019

Mini arrows cannot be shot like this

This little drawing would have benefited for little more thinking before putting the marker on paper.


1. This arrow is waaaaaay too short, like one third of the length it should be. It would be impossible to shoot like this. In real life short arrows are possible to shoot if the archers has a special piece of equipment which goes by many names, Koreans call it Tongah or Tong-ah, Turks call it Majra or Nawak and Romans in the medieval times called it Solenarion. It is a half tube, made of wood, of bamboo in the far east, and it allows the arrow to be overdrawn, so that the arrowtip is drawn behind the arc of the bow. Without this device shooting of very short arrows wouldn't be possible. This dude in the picture should get one, or make it by himself, they're pretty easy to make.

2. Sideways shooting. There is absolutely no point of shooting sideways here.

3. The bowstring seems to be over the bow arm here, which is so great a mistake that not even a person who holds the bow for the first time would ever in any circumstances do it. It only happens in drawings where the draughtsman has absolutely no clue of how archery works. This picture's drawer has claerly never shot an arrow in his life.

4. The position of the string hand is awkward and tells of bad grip.

5. Arrows on the back, and even of the wrong shoulder where they would be almost impossible to take out.

This was bad, this was definitely bad.

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