Wednesday 30 January 2019

Larp ranger showing of her modern shoes

I almost feel bad about criticizing this one. It is a promotional photo from my absolute favourite soleplaying convention in Finland. This might be a person I have actually met, but probably not. Remember folks that this is nothing personal, just business.


1. The positioning of the wrist like this is the exact reason you need that leather bracer to protect your arm when the bowstring hits it every single time you shoot. Keeping the arm and wrist more straigh of bending slightly outwards, not inwards like here, keeps the arm out of harms way and the bracer is not even needed.

2. There is way too much of this arrow on this side of the bow, meaning that the draw is not full. Why wouldn't you shoot with full force, wasting the power of the arrow like this makes it fly less than it could.

3. Arrows on the back in a quiver that looks more like a sleeping blanket rolled and tied onto a backpack or something.

This is by no means the worst I've seen, but better luck next time still!

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