Friday 26 October 2018

Withering centaur

This is again one of those drawings, which's maker must have been quite young. Or then just suck at drawing... I mean not have had very much practice yet, sorry.

No offence, but on to the mistakes:

1. The bow is horribly shaped. It does not bend at all. The string is stretchu, which is one of the most "popular" mistakes made by drawers who have not seen real bows enough to know better.
2. The bow is angular in many places, which is a very bad design for a bow. Those angles are points were the bow might break. I drew a better version of the bow in red.
3. The arrow does not have fletching.
4. These arrows do have flethings, but they are placed in the quiver (which is a hip quiver, good!) on the wrong direction. They should point forwards, not backwards, if the archer wants to get them off of the quiver easily.

It would be a hip quiver for a human, but this is a foreleg atrophy suffering centaur, so wouldn't it be a back quiver after all?

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