Thursday 25 October 2018

Bodypaint elf woman

I wouldn't put my name under a picture like this. But some people have no shame. Or then they just have a different kind of mentality towards professional work. They have to feed their families, right?

I should've put a NSFW in the title, but I didn't. Since I don't believe in trigger warnings. They make people wimps who can't take anything without breaking.

So, this softcore pornographic image ("But it's ART when it has bodypaint!") also contains mistakes. And I'm not talking about just the plastic elf ears:

1. Since there are bigger mistakes. Like this isn't a bow at all. This is a piece of wood shaped vaguely like a bow. It's too short and doesn't thin towards the ends. The string is stretchy, obviously because the "bow" doesn't bend.
2. The stance is all wrong. The arms don't align at all, stringarms elbow is too low etc. Numerous mistakes.
3. This is a very strange grip. That means it's wrong.
4. The bowhand is also wrong. The arrow should be on top of the fist, not between middle and ring fingers.
5. The stick that plays the arrow doesn't have a tip, and it's fletching is too far back, interfering with the stringhand.
6. Holding an ugly serrated fantasy dagger (or any other weapon) in your bow hand is not a good idea. However there has been a practice (in Persia and maybe other neighbouring areas) to hold a scimitar (shamshir) in hand while shooting. But that is the stringhand, never the bowhand. A quity specialised technique, of which the people involved in making this picture come true would have never guessed existed. But interesting nonetheless.

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