Saturday 13 October 2018

Three arrows shooting manga woman

It almost feels bad to rip these drawings to pieces. I know that young people have drawn these, and I have drawn my entire life myself, and I know how bad it would feel to read a critique like that. But I hope the person who has drawn this is a grown up adult now (since I think this is a pretty old picture), and can handle the critique. Since the critique I present in this blog is never aimed towards a person behind a drawing, and usually not even at the artistic quality (or the lack thereof) of the drawing, but usually only towards how archery is depicted in that particular drawing. Since that is the point of this blog. To correct all the archery related mistakes in popular culture. And even when the work to be done is monumental in nature, it won't stop me trying to fix things.

So, mistakes in this drawing are:
1. What is this bow made of? Surely not of wood, since this contruction with spikes and sholes wouldn't last a second in real life. It also looks very ugly.
2. The bow tapers to a series of spikes in the end, and wouldn't be durable enough for use. The string is also not attached to anything.
3. Three arrows shot at once. This is not how it could be done. All those arrows are pointing in different directions, and even though the middle arrow might be possible to be shot, the other arrows interfere with the shooting significantly. It's also a waste of arrows. The arrowtips are also horrible. The thumb of the bow hand is on the wrong side of the middle arrow.
4. All the arrows nock to the exact same point on the bowstring, which is impossible. They also lack fetching altogether. And all the arrows are held between the middle and ring finger of the archer, that is one finger too low.
5. Four fingered grip, a beginners mistake. The bowstring is deep inside the fist, which is impossible in real life.
6. One of the most significant mistakes in this picture is that the string is way too short for this bow. This bow cannot shoot arrows at all. The string is pulled back maybe five centimeters, which isn't nearly enough to fly those arrows anywhere. The bow is drawn way too curved, that's why there hasn't been room for the string to pull back more.
7. Quiver on the back. This simply wasn't done.
8. The quiver on the back that simply wasn't done is also hugely too long. It is completely impossible to take arrows from a back quiver which is that long and sits that high on the back. Your arm just can't reach to take the arrows out of it.
9. Now the arrows on the quiver (which are also longer than the arrows being shot) do have fletching on them, but the fletchings are fuzzy and there isn't any space for fingers to grip the arrow at the nock. The nocks can't even be seen under all the fuzz.
10. The character isn't even looking anywhere near the direction she's supposedly shooting.

She's left handed, most probably due to a poor understanding of archery, and not on purpose.

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