Friday 12 October 2018

Theater production in Finland with bad archery

Today I saw on the side of a bus an advertisement for a Finnish theater production, called Talvisirkus Rakkaus ("Winter circus Love"), and on it was a picture of a woman shooting with a bow. Or rather pretending to be shooting with a bow.

It is frustrating to see all the time archery is depicted, that it is depicted wrongly. Apparently no one in the production knew how to shoot and no one bothered to ask about someone who would have known. I remember reading that earlier (early in the last century and before) actors were trained in all kinds of physical activities, including riding a horse, swordfighting and archery. But of course everything was better before.

1. In picture A a womanis holding the bowstring with three fingers, but not holding the arrow at all. The arrow should of course be nocked between index and middle fingers, when shooting with the Mediterranean style. If the arrow is not controlled by the string hand, it will fly whereever, if it will even keep on the string while being released.

2. In picture B (which is taken from a gif) is probably the worst "grip" of the bowstring I've ever seen. The same woman is holding the string with the tip of her index finger. It is not possible to shoot like this, since she won't have enough strength to pull that string (even though the bow seems quite powerless).

3. In picture C (behind the scenes material) the director of the play is demonstrating (!) how to shoot with a bow. This is sad to hear, since she is neither holding her arrow between the index and middle fingers of her string hand, instead the arrow is just placed on the top of the string hand. This is not right, and you should not demonstrate how to shoot, if you don't yourself know how to do it.

For the next time, please ask someone who actually practices archery (there are lots of clubs all over Finland) how to do it. It's not that hard.


  1. #3 sighting down the arrow using a three-under method is valid hunting/barebow shooting style. and the lady has a proper form. so don't go around discrediting things you don't know!

    1. A person who is shooting like that, without the arrow being nocked between her index and middle fingers, does not know how to shoot with a bow.
      I did not criticize aiming along the arrow, but the lady in the picture probably just thinks you have to aim along the arrow every time you shoot, like most beginners do. Her form is otherwise good though.
