Wednesday 3 June 2015

Swaggety swag peasant bowman

A male archer for a while. Looking quite swaggish, even though I hate the word swag. Can't believe I'm even using it! Anyway, to the mistakes:

  1. This is the most imbalanced bow i've ever seen! It is true that in kyudo, Japanese archery, people use asymmetrical bows, which' upper limb is longer than the lower limb, but they are not nearly this asymmetrical. This is really too much. The lower part of this longbow sized recurve is so small compared to the upper part that it makes shooting with this device a completely impractical job.
  2. The bow is also very unusual in shape. And when I say unusual, I really mean bad design. It is a recurve bow, but it curves here and there, has a weird angle just above the handgrip, and that angle goes in wrong direction. It's also pretty ugly altogether.
  3. Fistmele, the distance between the bows arc and string is a bit too big.
  4. Where is the quiver for arrows? No arrows at all, what's he going to shoot then?
  5. Now, these asymmetrical bows were only used by samurais, and samurais were mainly horse archers (yes, sword was only a secondary weapon to them). They used asymmetrical bows (hankyu and daikyu) because they could then more easily aim at low targets and the bows lower limb wouldn't contact with the horse, but the bow was at the same time powerful enough since it was longer at the upper limb. The main problem here is that this man is wearing those oh-so-fabulous baggy pants which girls nowadays seem to love on men. And it is impossible to ride with that kind of impractical lower body garment. So this archer is using a cavalry bow, but cannot ride.

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