Tuesday 5 May 2015

Wannabe Pocahontas

Native American women are all very beautiful. They are always fit, long legged, long haired, athletic, thin and big busted at the same time. They look like European fashion models with black hair and reddish tan. At least after Disney's Pocahontas they looked like this. All of them. They may have war paint, feathers and/or beige clothing. Always tight, like we know women have been wearing in every culture in every time. Just for the eye pleasure of the opposite sex. This is borderline racist, exotisism at best, but I wasn't supposed to talk about that.

No, I was supposed to talk about crap archery, since that's why you are here, aren't you.

At first glance this picture doesn't look very bad, despite green eyed "Pocahontas" with the suede shirt glued on her silicone breasts and an odd "standing" position. But the number of mistakes surprised me this time:

  1. Left handedness. Not intended of course, just not thought all the way through.
  2. What is this bow really? Indians used simple self bows, looking like European longbows. But what is this? It looks like a recurve bow used backwards! Strange angles on it's arc. Also why there's a supposedly metal (iron/steel) tube on the grip? Is the bow constructed of two pieces joined at the middle. This is not an unheard construction of a bow, but I haven't ever heard of indian bows made with this method. And what's the bandage rolled around the bow for? Is it broken, that would explain the odd angles on the arc? But then it would be useless.
  3. There are no nocks to hold the bowstring in place. The maker of this picture haven't drawn the string to the end, it just stops at the bow.
  4. The arrow goes on the wrong side of the bow. This is probably the most common archery mistake of all time. It can clearly be seen that nothing is holding the arrow in place here, and it would just fall of in reality.
  5. Beginner's mistake, holding the forefinger of the bow gripping hand forwards. Completely unnecessary and possibly dangerous to the finger. The arrowtip in this same circle is a bit too heavy looking. And made of iron/steel, a material not known to Indians before Europeans introduced it to the New World. But this picture can take place after that, so I didn't count it as a new mistake, and this list is already long enough.
  6. No bracer. Now, using a bracer is not necessary, at least in native archery, but this woman is having a bracer/glove in her string arm. And this is wrong. Why would she have a bracer in the wrong arm?
  7. Of course the drawer wanted to show the face of his archress, but she really should draw the arrow near her mouth, otherwise the aim is pretty poor.
  8. The fletching of the arrow is way too back, another very common drawing mistake. It should not touch the drawing fingers. Also the fletching looks like it's made of tree leaves? What is this madness, it should be feathers. Feathers can also be dyed, but not in this bright green colour without chemical colouring, which wasn't possible in pre-industrialized society.
  9. She is drawing the bowstring with only two fingers, while she should be using three. Anyone who's tried drawing a bow with two and three fingers will use three, since it's stronger.
  10. Where are her other arrows? No quiver, pretty bad solution for war or hunt.
  11. Not only does this picture look like she's soon falling down, it also looks like it will be her very last fall. The hostile looking environment would require a much steadier archery stance, otherwise she's losing both her target and her life. But of course this is a female drawn by a male, so she just has to be in a crooked position which will show off her boobs and butt in an unrealistic, but jerkable way.
Well, this had more mistakes than I would have expected, but at least the bow does bend rather realistically, and the drawing arm is parallel to the bow arm, so the arrow has the possibility to fly somewhere. Certainly not in the worst category of drawings.


  1. Just found this blog and I'm loving it! I for one don't mind you talking about racism at all, keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks a lot! I'm very glad to hear that you happen to love my blog! I will also address other issues featured in the pictures, movies and games I'm criticising. My main complaint other than archery mistakes might be the unrealistic depiction of women in popular culture. I'm a man myself, if you wondered. ;)
