Thursday 18 June 2020

If you'd spent that time it took to grow that hair to practise archery, you'd be good already

This stance is entirely wrong. I see this a lot in beginners. The back should be more straight and the shoulder blades pulled together so that the chest muscles are opened more. Shoulders need to align with the arrow a lot more than this, the head should be kept straight on top of the spine, no need to cant it like this for aiming. You don't need to look down the arrowshaft, the aiming should be instictive. Of course it needs training, but who said archery is going to be easy? When you just learn not to lock your bowarm's elbow you won't even need the overly large arm guard anymore.

1 comment:

  1. In my defense. This image was stolen off my deviant art and floated all over the internet without any context. We were screwing around with backyard shooting funsies (hence the neighbor's house in the back) trying out someone's bow before I got my own. It's a 55 pound draw weight and I literally couldn't draw it farther and that's part of why I'm stiff af all over. But thanks for the feedback ;)
