Friday 28 February 2020

Boobs and butt pose number million

This obviously World of Warcraft inspired (night) elf is as usual: A) female, B) scantily clad, C) has a horrible bow, D) doesn't know how to shoot. On to the mistakes:

1. This thing is what the maker of this image probably thought of as a bow. A quick look at a real bow however would've been immensely helpful in rendering the bow realistically. This "bow" is unbeliavable, and not in a good sense of the word. How does she even get her hand in the middle of the spiky thing to find the handle of the bow? Her hand must be ful of scars.

2. This bow doesn't bend. So it doesn't work. So it's not a real bow. But that we knew already.

3. The posture is very bad. The elbow should be drawn back.

4. There are no other arrows anywhere to be seen, nor an empty quiver. What she's going to shoot after this only arrow?

Bonus: the bowstring is coming apart soon.

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