Tuesday 17 September 2019

Green arrow comes in female version too

I'm not going to complane about the bow this time, since it is a modern compound bow, and even if it looks stupid, so they do in real life, and it fits this modern archer character.
There are other mistakes though:

1. The arm and elbow point too high up, it should follow the line of the arrow.

2. This grip is wrong. It is kind of like a Mongolian thumb grip, but the thumb should be under the arrow, not on top of it. Also it seems like she is pinching the bowstring between her thumb and index finger, which is not how this grip works. Instead she should draw the string with the thumb only, and wrap the index finger around the thumb, not around the string, to keep it in place. This is a result of not properly understanding how this grip works.

3. Back quiver, as usual. The arrows seem to even be on a wrong shoulder, so almost impossible to get them from the quiver.

4. She is not looking at the right direction, there where the arrow is going. Instead she has turned her head towards the viewer of this picture. It is a standard measure of draughtsmen to intentionally or unintentionally distort the proper shooting stance in order to make the woman archer look at the viewer, or look more beautiful, or to not cover her face with the arrow hand. It's still wrong.

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