Thursday 14 March 2019

Why most archers have hoods?

The reason for using a cloak is to keep a person warm. But apparently she's not concerned of that, when she's not even wearing sleeves or pants. Anyway, archery mistakes:

1. This bow doesn't bend. For a millionth time. I do not have to say this again, but bows bend. That's how they get their power. Now it looks like it has a stretchy rubber band string.

2. Pulling the bow when not shooting or aiming. Not good, it's a power loss.

3. Completely wrong grip. I don't even know where the bowstring is supposedly going there inside the hand. The draughstman has no clue about shooting it seems.

4. Holding the index finger around the arrow. Unnecessary. This is what beginners do.

5. Back quiver. And bad fletching on arrows.

6. Left handed shooting, probably not intended. Also now the back quiver is on the wrong shoulder so the arrows are impossible to get from there.

I really repeat myself in these posts, it starts to become boring. Probably for you readers also. But what can I do, the same mistakes repeat over and over again? They never end!


  1. 1.longbows don't start that bent.youve obviously never made one or you would know why.2.i use a back quiver I prefer it to a side quiver.3.left handed people shoot left handed. All other are valid points.

    1. 1. That is not a longbow. It's more like a recurve bow, but not quite that either. Anyway, the bow doesn't bend nearly enough for this to be realistic. I have made one, and shot many times with longbows. I do know what I'm talking about.

      2. I don't care if you use a back quiver or prefer it over a hip quiver (have you even tested a hip quiver?). You are not a war archery, probably not even a bow hunter. Hip quiver is the one most archers in history have used, since it is advantageous compared to a back quiver.

      3. I know left handed people shoot mostly left handed and maybe I should stop making this a mistake in the future, haven't decided yet.
