Thursday 7 March 2019

Clipart "Roman" archer

This ugly and completely inaccurate clipart is supposedly depicting a Roman archer. Well, real Roman archers looked absolutely nothing like this. There is not a single piece of equipment or clothing even remotely reminiscent of anything a real person has ever worn in the history of mankind. The makers of these clipart images have totally no clue about history. None, zero, nihil. They also got everything about archery wrong, so to the mistakes:

1. This obviously modern looking bow does not bend. So it wouldn't work, it's not a real bow. It's just a piece of something that has a flexible string. Bowstrings don't flex, the bow itself bends. Learn this, please!

2. The arrow just floats in the air, since it does not rest on the fist of the archer. This is impossible. The arrowtip is also ridiculously large, but this is a stupid clipart image where they have to exaggerate everything.

3. The elbow here should be pointing backwards and the arms should be parallel to each other and to the arrow. This does not happen.

4. The grip is all wrong (not because of him having only four fingers, but because it is drawn wrong), and the fletching of the arrow is too far back, it shouldn't be inside the fist of course.

5. (Which I forgot to mark in the picture) there are no otehr arrows or a quiver anywhere.

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