Monday 11 March 2019

Another Roman archer, much better this time.

Another Roman archer. This time mroe historically accurate, although the helmet has very strange decorations and the greaves should be left off. I drew in red where the bow should actually bend, I think this miniature model is made of something that is not suitable for thin details such as bows and arrows, since both of them are horribly deformed. I took the correct shape of the bow from a photograph of myself shooting with a recurve bow from last Sunday, actually in a Roman garb (but a couple centuries later than what this guy is wearing). Also looks like he's using only two fingers for the pull, when he should be using three. And a quiver is missing. Okay I though that I wouldn't have to count the mistakes, but here they are again.

1. Deformed bow and arrow.

2. Two finger grip.

3. No quiver.

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