Sunday 3 February 2019

Bladed bows don't really work

I always feel a little bad when destroying these drawings which are obviously made by teenagers. I wasn't a perfect draughtsman when I was a teen, artists journey continues his whole lifetime. But I like to think that these pictures have circulated in the Internet for years, maybe even decades already, so the initial teens who have made them are not teens anymore but adults who can take criticism without sniffing a pea into their noses (is that a proverb in English, I don't know, at least in Finland we use it... a lot, tells something about people around me, doesn't it). On to the mistakes:

1. Ridiculous bow which is too thick and heavy, has unnecessary spikes and apparently quite long metallic blades on both of its arms, which are so big and attached to their whole length that they wouldn't let the bow bend. It would be impossible to shoot anything with this thing. You just cannot attach blades to a bow like this.

2. The arrows don't have any space between the fletching and the nock, which is a bad thing.

3. Arrows from a back quiver, which is really impractical and almost never done in history, at least in Europe.

4. Left handed archer. I still count this as a mistake, since I don't believe for a moment that it is intentional, the draughtsboy just didn't have a clue where he should put the bow.

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