Friday 11 January 2019

Ms. Violet with a Plexiglass bow

Let's start the year 2019 with this digital drawing. Some could consider it quite nice even. At least the woman is beautiful. The bow she holds is instead ridiculous, so let's get to it.


1. Is the bow made out of glass? Crystal? Ice? Plexiglass? I don't care, it is impossible. It wouldn't work. Plastic bows do exist, and maybe theoretically you could make one out of transparent plastic, but the shape of this bow is also wrong, so it wouldn't work. A plastic bow has to be flat, and this is not.

2. The bowstring seems to be permanently attached to the bow via a hole in the bow. This is not good, since bowstrings are intentionally removable, so you could easily replace them if they snap. The more common reason is that you should always take the string off the bow when not shooting, since if you always keep the bow with the string, there's tension which over time makes the bow weaker.

3. The fistmele in this bow is huge. Way too big for this to be an effective bow, even if it could otherwise work, which it doesn't.

4. Back quiver, always the back quiver. Now, if this would be an accurate depiction of some Asian style shooter, they often use a kind of back quiverish quiver, which really is a hip quiver but the arrows are at the side of the archer, and the quiver doesn't cover much of the arrows, and they are easier to get from there than from a traditional Hollywood back quiver.

5. The arrows don't have room for fingers behind the fletching, which makes them very difficult to shoot.

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