Monday 2 February 2015

Atalanta (from Hercules, 2014)

This is from 2014 movie Hercules starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, the only ex-wrestler who has successfully turned into an actor. Many have tried, but failed miserably, since they have no skills in acting whatsoever. Anyway, in this movie, based on a comic book series: "Hercules, the Thracian Wars" (Thracia was a neighbouring country of Greece in the antiquity) features Atalanta, a Greek heroine (originally Atalante in Greek) who was a virgin huntress famous for her running speed (faster than any man), under the favour of Artemis (also a virgin huntress, and a goddess).

This movie version has dressed Atalanta with a skimpy leather outfit, which imitates armour, but because of the material, and of course the fact that it doesn't cover her belly, it is a useless piece of sexualised cliché fantasy female costume.

Mistakes, concerning about archery:

  1. They made the bow also a mêlée weapon with attached blades on both of its ears. That makes the nocks different than usual, with long slits where the string loops go, since if the string would loop around the nocks like usual, the blades would cut through it. The thing I'm complaining about is the whole use of the bow as a mêlée weapon, instead of just shooting arrows with it. The bow can brake! It's not designed for that. It can take even years, but more probably weeks to make a proper recurve bow, so no one in their right mind would want to brake it by hitting enemies with it. Instead making a spear takes a day or so and making replacement shaft for it is super easy. Why don't Atalanta has a backup weapon (I admit a spear is difficult to carry, so someone must choose either a bow or a spear), but a sword or even a dagger would be fine, with a small shield accompanying it. Don't hit with a bow!
  2. Atalanta, since she's a heroic character, shoots two arrows at once, several times in this movie. They made it her "trademark" of sorts, as well as the bladed bow. Shooting two arrows at once is in fact possible, but it doesn't do anything else than waste two arrows in place of one. And there isn't infinite amount of arrows. In one movie scene Atalanta shoots two arrows at two different objects, which is impossible, since the arrows would just fly to the same target. It's also not possible to aim at two places at the same time.
  3. In this picture her arm is quite low, maybe she's tired or something. But it really should go straight back and continue the parallel line of the arrow.
  4. Beginners grip of the string with all four fingers. The mediterranean grip which she should be using only involves three fingers, index finger above the arrow nock, and the two next below it. If using four fingers the string turns around to the right too much which might effect the flight of the missile.
  5. Quiver on back. Arrows are hard(ish) and slow(ish) to get from there. A hip quiver would be more practical. They also wouldn't fall off quite so easily while running and jumping, which she certainly is doing a lot in this movie.
  6. Shooting sideways. Always a mistake. Repeatedly done in movies. The bow can only be drawn to the point where the string contacts the archers flank. There could be some 10 to 20 cm:s more drawing space if the bow would be held vertically.

The actress' archery form is not so bad, only the four finger string grip (which is a minor mistake), and the lower elbow position in one scene are her errors. For the others are moviemakers to blame. Also which is good, is the use of spare quivers on chariots. There were regularly many quivers on a chariot carrying archers around a battlefield, since otherwise they would've ran out of arrows pretty quickly. Although Greeks didn't use chariot archers (in Homeric times they used chariots to bring noble fighters to the battlefield, and carry them out when they were tired of battling), but this is a fantasy/legendary movie, so they can have it.


  1. 1-The bow not only looks cooler with the attached blades it now has a dual functionality, bows can be used as melee weapons if needs be, granted an inglish longbow can take hits better than a recurve bow would but it would function more or less the same, besides the limbs can take a lot of pressure and strain.

    2-It is possible to hit two or more targets at the same time, its called trickshooting, I'am a very average amateur archer and even I have tried and done it with 2 and even 3 arrows, most of the time I would hit 2 of 2 and 2 of 3 sometimes even 3 of 3, stationary targets obviously, but it is really possible, an expert archer and even better a legendary one such as Atalanta would be very capable of doing so with moving living targets in the heat of battle.

    3- No arguing there, her elbow is too low, but in battle you cant always swing a sword, trust with a spear or shoot a bow the proper way all the time, some time you just do it any way you can, no time to adjust posture, footing and form.

    4-No arguing there, but as with point 3 in the heat of battle you do what you can however you can at the moment.

    5-I do prefer Hip Quivers too, but most quivers have a leather piece at mid quiver height with holes that keeps arrows from falling from the quiver, maybe not in that times but it is possible Atalanta has one in her quiver too.

    6-The infamous side shoot, the worst offender of that movie mistake is Hawkeye on the first Avengers movie jumping down a building shooting sideways while falling...

    1. Bows are terribly bad melee weapons and will break if used to hit hard targets or block other weapons. They are not meant for that and you shouldn't be using it for that. Archers always had some backup weapon for melee combat, and that could be a sword, dagger, axe etc. depending on the period.

      Trickshooting is trickshooting, not warfare stuff.

      There are other reasons not to use a back quiver than the arrows falling off of it, and I listed some of those above.

      It is true that Hawkeye is even worse.
