Wednesday 25 February 2015

Ashe the Frost Archer (from League of Legends)

This is horrible beyond any words. And I have a broad vocabulary. I will still try...

This picture... this picture might very well be the worst piece of imagery my eyes have ever have the unpleasantness to witness. Not only it's the worst archery picture of all time by far, I also cannot get in my mind any worse memory relating to a visual stimulant.

The maker of this picture, who is not entitled to be called an artist, not even a concept artist, has absolutely zero knowledge relating to anything he's trying to portray; correct anatomy, originality, artisticality, archery, realism, interestingness and sense of style all shine of their absence while overused clichés, childish sexism and all kinds of physical errors are well represented. Actually the knowledge of how to draw different 'things' of the maker of this picture must be below zero, so bad this is.

Mistakes, oh so bad and oh so numerous:
  1. The bow is being held in horizontal way, which is a very bad mistake. But it's nothing to compared to the second one!
  2. The string goes OVER the bow arm!!! What? Excuse me, but what again?!? Even a basic understanding of bows and archery would tell anyone that the bow string does not go over the bow arm. It would go under if the bow would be held in this stupid position, and it would be on the inside of the arm if the bow would being held properly in vertical position. Shame on you, this is the worst mistake you can make! But oh no, it's not the last! There are plenty others.
  3. This is not any real grip of the string. Of course the maker of this picture (let's call that boy "motp") had no idea of the real grip, and it would be difficult to do in this angle anyway. Our oversexualized fantasy female here is pulling the string with two fingers, instead of three, and more importantly, her hand is the wrong way up. This is a very weak grip.
  4. Motp also hasn't looked any reference because he doesn't know which holds the arrows on the string. Of course the archer's string hand! The arrows here doesn't even go anywhere near the hand, they just kind of are on the string somewhere. The aim would be uncontrollable and they arrows wouldn't even probably keep on the string while drawing.
  5. Hasn't motp ever even seen a real arrow? I think not, since even a child can draw better arrows. Everybody knows that an arow has a tip (the sharp often triangular shaped thing on it's front end), a shaft (a rod of wood) and fletching (the three feathers at the back end), but these arrows lack the last one altogether. Yes, the arrows can fly without the fletching, but first of all, nobody ever would've made them like this, unless they are uneducated punks, and secondly without the fletching the arrows flight is not very controllable. It will fly more straight with the fletching.
  6. The arrow tips weight a kilo! They are way too thick. Not only they would drastically reduce the flight distance of the arrows to some lousy five meters, they would also turn the arrows tip down while flying, so if they somehow magically would hit any target, they would hit it with the right side up front. Also this thick arrowheads make them harder to penetrate any form of defensive equipment. Even spearheads, which can be much longer, are never this thick. It would just be completely stupid. And waste of material. These arrow tips are also too large in every other direction, despite of the proposed perspective of the picture.
  7. But it doesn't matter, since Ashe is using three arrows at once. And when she's not even holding the nocks (the little things on the back end of the arrows which have slots where the bow string goes, and which nobody knows of unfortunately) in her hand, she has none control over where the arrows will fly. Absolutely zero. She wouldn't hit a barn door from three feet distance. The arrows are also positioned pointing all in different directions, and as everyone should know, aiming at more than one direction (Yes, aim at them!) at the time is impossible, so all these arrows would miss their targets by a wide margin. Good job, motp! Not really, this was sarcasm.
  8. Since this girl is called "the frost archer" her bow is probably supposed to be made of ice. Well... no, and... no again. This is fantasy of course, and maybe it's some magical ice, but still it's beyond stupid. Can't the arrows just have some frost magic on them, does the arrows and the bow have to be made of real ice? It doesn't make any sense. You know, there are fantasy, and then there are this thing, which would be called unreality, when everything is so unreal that it's only stupid. Look for Lord of the Rings, that's high fantasy for you, which is realistic at the same time! That's the stuff most people like, not counting some silly boys just hitting puberty of course.
  9. Where is the quiver (the holder for the rest of the arrows in case you didn't know that either). And, as you also didn't know, it should be here, at the waist level, hanging from a belt. Back quivers are just a pop culture myth. In other pictures of this character I have seen that – of course – she has a back quiver. What else to expect from a game this stupid anyway.
  10. This stance is a very bad archery form. I can't imagine any more silly position of one's limbs and body than this. It would be stupid and impossible to do without assistance even while staying still. But now she's also trying to shoot arrows while being in this uncomfortablest of positions. Of course we all – who are not guided by hormones alone – know that the only reason this character is in this position, is that the motp is a young horny male who wants to draw "beautiful" (= unrealistic, sexist, clichéd and childish manga characters)  females who he can drool at. That's why she hasn't got any real clothes on her. That's why she's positioned in the infamous boobs-and-butt pose (Oh, don't know what that is? Try Escher Girls for once!).

"Good", hahahahaha, are you kidding me?

Absolutely positively negative amount of goodness can be found in this drawing. It's so profoundly an epic fail that when I tried to make a corrected version of it, I couldn't. I just ended up censoring the whole picture, since it gives a totally mistaken and erroneous view of archery, bows and arrows. Correcting it would mean starting all over again from scratch, and probably getting a thorough brainwash before it, since this monstrosity has left some deep scars in all of it's viewers psyche. This drawing is harmful to the portrayal of archery, women, fantasy genre and to the society as whole, and the motp should be in jail because of it.

Stupid picture from stupid game.


  1. Are you gay by any chance? The nice thing about stupid stuff is that if you make it overly sexualized, while it's still stupid, stupid doesn't matter in pornography. You can have the most absurd scenario possible and the most asinine characters, but if it's properly sexualized, someone will sit down and rub one out. Then the criticism becomes like complaining about used toilet paper being smeared with ***; it's supposed to be and you're supposed to flush it, not contemplate it.

    1. No, I'm not gay by any chance. Sorry to disappoint you!
      I guess you play LoL, since you got so angry about my criticism of that children's version of DotA. Why wouldn't stupid matter if you oversexualize it? That's ludicrous. Even sexualized things should not look this idiotic. I guess you just jerk off to anything, even to badly drawn manga-ish characters. Maybe you should get a real girlfriend instead of an imaginary one.

      I guess I should've written a polite answer to you instead of this, but I'm tired of giving those to people who are not polite to me. So I ended up insulting you back. Have a nice day!

  2. I don't mean gay as an insult; I thought Finland, as a Scandinavian social democracy was relatively progressive. The point is, though, that men tend to be overly concerned with physical attributes and do not care how stupid their sexual counterpart is when looking for a short-term fling. Remember, Anita Loos' novel titles: "Men Prefer Blondes", "but they marry brunettes", and her proposed title: "Gentlemen prefer gentlemen."

    1. Even though some people don't consider calling someone gay as an insult, it is that to me. Not because I would be homophobic (which I'm not), but because anything can be used as an insult when it's said (or written) in certain manner. Your use of the term seemed clearly an insult to me. And secondly, I've been insulted of being gay many times before, and I'm sick of it.
      But I childishly insulted you back so maybe we are even.

      Now to the adult (pun intended) stuff. I am not quite sure how these new points you brought up are relevant to the original post anymore, but anyway... I do like brunettes more myself, if that has to do with anything. Of course the notion that blonds are stupid is only a stereotype and not a fact, but you knew that too.
      I do care about how smart my girlfriend is, I wouldn't date someone based solely on looks, since I could not stand to be around a stupid person. On the other hand I wouldn't date a woman who is not pleasing to my eyes. So, a perfect balance has to be found if possible. I consider myself lucky at that.

      I know that there are people (underage boys and young lonely and horny men) who will jerk off to anything, but is the purpose of video games or other related media to be just pornography to these poor fellows? Are they not even trying to be anything else? I hope that this is not the case.

      And anyway, even if the games like LoL would be made just to make the teens to "rub one out", would they be worse if the archery poses were more realistic? I don't think so. Realism always makes things better.

  3. By the way, this is probably too late for pageviews, but consider this:

    This is now sort of old, but back in 2011 you would have gotten angry teenage girls and a ton of pageviews.

    1. Thanks for the suggestion! That is indeed something I haven't seen yet. Not necessarily in a good way.

      I don't do this for pageviews. Lots of them would be nice though.
