Friday 23 January 2015

Pink Lady Archer

This pink skinned lady has some issues, other than her shiny plastic skin and rather uncomfortable position, not even talking about the skimpy and useless costume on her, but about her bow techniques.


  1. First of all, this bow is way too thick. It wouldn’t bend at all. It should be some three times thinner at the point I’ve circulated. It also has some fancy metal spikes/things on it, which are really cumbersome and don’t do the bow any good. The grip part also seems really weak compared to the heavy bulky limbs of this bow.

  2. The line from the drawing arm and the line of the arrow do not match. The drawing arm is raised upwards, almost to 45 degree angle, which is not good. There should go a straight parallel line from the tip of the arrow to the elbow of the drawing arm.

  3. The grip of the string and arrow is very strange. Apparently it was either too hard to draw (draw like with a pencil, or in this case, in Photoshop) the woman’s hand in the correct grip form, or then the maker of this picture don’t know how that hand should go. I guess it’s the second option. The hand should be rotated 90 degrees to the right (from the perspective of the archer) and grab the string with three fingers.

  4. The correct nocking point for the arrow on this bowstring would be here, where the little red arrow points. Now the arrow is nocked on the string too high, which makes the bow’s limbs unbalanced.

  5. The arrow – once again – goes on the wrong side of the bow. It should be on the left side (from the perspective of a right handed archer), so that it keeps there and doesn’t fall off while drawing the bow.

  6. Where are the arrows? I don’t see any quiver or spare arrows on her.


Well, this is not terrible, if the few mistakes would be corrected. At least she doesn’t shoot sideways!

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